Keep an eye on your project, blog, appointments, news and to do lists onto a wall public display.
Create easily your own public/wall display with your feed!
RollGator aggregates your favourite feeds and show them fullscreen on a wall
display. It's easy and free!!
Sign In Create your RollGator account to manage your public display. It's totally free.
Select feed & template Every account can aggregate more feeds, select your favorite source and choose style, animation, colour and much more.
Show Roll Display Connect a PC to a wide screen monitor, TV or projector, set the URL created by RollGator as your homepage and enjoy.
Do you need to keep an eye on all your favourite news, tweets, RSS feeds, informations, blogs, podcasts, dates, deadlines, classes in just one shot? Do you need to keep updated on incoming news just published on web? Then you need Rollgator! A new application which combines altogether all the information you seek during all day. Put a screen where you like (on a wall at home or at work), connect a computer to the Internet, sign a registration on rollgator website, select your feed and create your professional public display showing news and more just fit on your interest. Rollgator will roll all the information automatically on display and you will not miss anything... just through an eye shot...
With Rollgator - the Rolling Aggregator - you can now easily create your own public information display, with a professional aspect, showing your favourite news coming from the web. News and more: dates, activities, your blogs, podcasts, twitter's tweet, deadlines, and all the things you run on the web. You only need a computer and a screen to hang on a wall. Rollgator will put together everything, complying with all 2.0 web applications providing RSS feed. Learn more...